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Our Mission

The mission of the Climate Sealutions Initiative is to evaluate and advance ocean-related climate solutions through strategic research, innovative communications, and actionable roadmaps for all interested parties, enabling an intelligent transition to a safe, prosperous, and sustainable future.

What are Ocean-Related Climate Solutions?

The two overarching categories of climate solutions are those that reduce atmospheric carbon by (a) reducing emissions or (b) facilitating absorption into 'carbon sinks', and those that bolster adaptation of human systems or nature. The Climate Sealutions Initiative is focused on ocean-related solutions that reduce atmospheric carbon. These Sealutions are critical because the ocean and its sediment holds over ten times more carbon than all other global carbon sinks combined, including the atmosphere, terrestrial biota, and soil. The ocean absorbs a significant proportion of carbon dioxide emissions, and ocean-related renewable energy will replace a significant proportion of energy sources that produce carbon emissions. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the easiest and least expensive way to reduce atmospheric carbon, but it is essential to critically-examine and advance any and all promising carbon reduction solutions.   

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Our Role in Guiding Ocean-Based Climate Solutions

The Climate Sealutions Initiative is designed to fill a glaring capacity gap as a distributed fellowship-based think-tank focused on development of evaluation tools and roadmaps for ocean-based climate solutions for industry, entrepreneurs, policymakers, researchers, and the general public. It will also interface with entrepreneurial accelerators and policymakers to operationalize solutions rapidly. It is designed to be highly strategic and efficient and to work in partnership with other expert organizations contributing solutions and guidance.

Roadmaps will include online analytical tools for searching, ranking, and profiling ocean-related climate solutions as well as broadly accessible reports, peer-reviewed journal articles, books, and policy input. A series of Sealutions YouTube videos and podcasts will feature examples and engage youth. Sealutions may also partner with game developers to advance ocean-based climate solution-making and education.

San Clemente Island by Vitya Mali

Our Areas of Work



Climate Sealutions Initiative is in its initial philanthropic fundraising phase as a fiscally-administered project of The Ocean Foundation. Outputs will be phased with the development of the 'solutions screener', mapping tools, and Sealutions channel outputs beginning within six months of substantive funding. Overview strategic analyses documented in reports, articles, and policy collaborations will emerge within one year after substantive funding. Fellows programs are scoped to begin during year 2; given adequate levels of funding.

Strategic Research

Development of a Climate Solutions Intelligence System including Accessible Analytics Tools and Roadmaps 


Youth-engaged Sealutions YouTube Channel and Podcasts, Social Media, Publications, and Online Tools

Policy Advancement

From Strategic Research to Policy Opportunities

Fellowship Programs

Early Career Fellows in Strategic Research, Communications, and Policy.

Ocean Climate Legacy Fellows

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